School zones/safety for all neighborhood schools including Spokane International Academy is important
Equitable safety for all students in the neighborhood needs to be considered. There should be school zones for ALL neighborhood schools including Spokane International Academy
Children safely walking to schools.
Land should be set aside to create designated gathering places
Shiloh Hills is interesting because there is such a heavy mix of industry and residential use. We need to integrate both effectively.
The school Zone on Magnesium needs to be extended to include Spokane International Academy (SIA ). Currently it is only in front f Shiloh Hills Elementary. Would love that to include SIA. (Twice)
Some of the walk-ability could be helped by giving clearly defined school zones. The cars have no way of knowing when to slow down and/or that kids are present. A child died about a week ago because there were no clear signs.
Division, trees on arterials.
All roads (as much as possible) should have side walks
Partner with Spokane Boys landscaping for SpokaneScape projects - bundle with many yards to potentially get a better deal?
TOD → build 5 over 1 in empty section of parking lot, move current businesses in lot into new building(don’t raise their rent!), tear down old one story.
Outreach to neighbors about Spocanopy, can we get grant funds for watering the trees? Can we use traffic calming /safe streets /climate commitment money?
No new as stations or drive throughs
More retail space that is walkable and can actually be accessible and affordable for small independent businesses. Bookstores, music venues, etc.!!! Not just chains and restaurants.
Put the building up against the sidewalk, with a parking lot behind, have awning covering the sidewalk so it’s a good place to walk all the time
Build up not out, fill in empty parking lots with AFFORDABLE housing.
Don’t price current residents out of the neighborhood!
Relax zoning restrictions shops with apartment above, turn a neighborhood house on a corner into a little shop where people can gather.
Greenway to Children of the Sun.
Keep the C.O.P.S. shop open.
Community center for the senior people to go to.
We need speed bumps to control car speed
Protected bike lanes that have a barrier would increase safety for pedestrians and bicycles
We need more speed signs
Speed bumps around parks (Three)
Speed camera at Friendship Park (Three)
Side walks facing Lincoln and Nevada need to be maintained. There are quite a few sidewalks with huge weeds that are unsightly and give our neighborhood an unsightly appearance.
There are still lots of major intersections that don’t have street signs up at the lights! Francis and Wall is a good example. This is not safe – especially at night! As more and more new people come to Spokane, it’s easier for accidents to happen at these intersections if no major signs above. If money is such a big issue, why cant they at least install one or two a year and get them done. The small signs are not much good, either, being behind poles, etc.
Major intersection signage - lighting
People keep hitting the obstacles in front of my house.
Roads are not safe for bikes! We need protective bike lanes or speed bumps.
Medians with trees in the middle of Nevada and Cozza?
Planters & parklets where roads are wider than legally required.
Make all streets pleasant, enjoyable spaces to exist in outside a car!
The assisted living facility at 8317 N Colton was not considered before road obstacle installation.
Our Parks need to be refreshed and maintained
Bathrooms at Friendship Park need to stay open and clean. (Twice)
Playgrounds, pools -basketball pickle ball courts (Twice)
With only two parks for the 16,000 residents the primary goal will be increasing acreage and maintaining the current parks. Friendship Park needs the tennis courts to be resurfaced; water fountain repaired and bathroom upgrades. (Twice)
Safety fence around park, no parking by gates.
Lighting, bathrooms in the park. (Three)
Marked 400 meter track for athletes to train.
Pet parks should be kept away from home areas – we don’t want to be listening to barking!
Signage for our parks directing people on surrounding streets.
Raised crosswalks / intersections near parks – it a place for PEOPLE first, cars second.
We need signage about leash laws in the park
Crime is on the rise. I fear for my family's safety.
Street lights – Walking in dark (Three)
We need ongoing police patrols for trouble neighborhoods
Everyone should feel safe ad welcome in our community
Derelict cars and RVs (Not near parks) (Twice)
Drag racing issues
There should be designated walking areas for children walking to school.
People need to be fined a good amount when their dog is not on leash – Should be enforced better.
I think we need better enforcement of leash laws by having more community events! And promoting community following of laws.
We need a defined sense of community/location
Does anyone (outside Shiloh Hills) know where Shiloh Hills is?
Walking to close stores
Keeping sidewalks safe: Overgrown and snow removal.
Making the neighborhood more inclusive by and discoverable by inputting a welcome sign. (Three)
Partnering with schools in the neighborhood on the community garden.
Shiloh Hills needs their own library, and community garden. Gardens that are community ran and can be accessed by everyone! (Twice)
Shiloh Hills will need to work with CHHS to create homeless/evicted navigation system to keep people from becoming homeless – and to mitigate the emerging homeless situation.
C.O.P.S. should not be gotten rid of! If you can afford to take care of the homeless, you can afford to keep C.O.P.S.! It’s an important organization!
We need another senior center on the north side!
Just like we have Northeast Community Center, we need North Community Center with rooms for conferences.
We prioritize community center construction more than health clinic & such.
More community spaces.
Too much money is being spent on the homeless on their shelters! The ones that help could get free help if they wanted it and the rest of them should get off their buts and go to work – there are lots of jobs out there for them!!!
A place for people to store their stuff and take a shower. (in community center?)
More community events! Getting coffee, going on walks, bar-b-ques. People are lonely and wanna connect with their neighbors and it helps identify problems in the neighborhood.